ИНН 6452050569
КПП 645301001
ОГРН 1026402659469
Company full name
Limited liability company «Scientific and production association «Neftegazcomplex-EHZ»
Company short name
LLC «SPA «Neftegazcomplex-EHZ»
Registered address
410065, Saratov region., sity Sarato, st. Lunnaia, д. 44А, building А
Correspondence address
413124, s. Engels, mailbox 18
Subdivision address
413161, Saratov region, Engels district, Shumeyka village, microdistrict “Palace”, build. 1
+7 (8453) 544-515, 544-516, 544-517
+7 (8452) 206-790, 203-641
+7 (8453) 544-516 доб. 1335
ОКПО 43750384
ОКАТО 63401376000
ОКТМО 63701000001
ОКОГУ 4210014
ОКОПФ 12300
ОКВЭД main: 27.11
additioanal: 20.59, 26.30.17, 26.51, 27.12, 27.90, 28.99, 33.12, 33.14, 33.20, 41.20, 43.21, 46.19, 46.69.9, 47.9, 68.20.1, 71.12, 71.20.3, 71.20.9, 72.19.9, 74.90, 85.30
General Director – Tsypin Andrey Vladimirovich
Deputy Director – Grushevoy Sergey Viktorovich
Executive Director – Shatkova Irina Yurievna
Chief Accountant – Nekrasova Natalia Ivanovna
Bank details:
Checking account 40702810922370002068
Correspondent account 30101810000000000917
Bank identification code 043601917
Full name of the bank
Branch “Gazprombank” (Joint Stock Company) “Povolzhsky”
Bank short name
Branch of Bank GPB (JSC) Povolzhsky